
Monday, June 8, 2020

Mema’s Sabbath Potatoes

As a child, I have many fond memories of long summers and holidays spent with my grandparents in Tennessee. One of my favorite memories surrounds Sabbath dinner. Mema would whip up her delicious cottage cheese loaf and these savory Sabbath Potatoes. These recipes have been passed down through generations of our family and I’ve never found a recipe that come even close to these family treasures.

-Scrub and boil whole Russet potatoes until poke tender.

-Drain and let them cool enough to do-skin them.

-Place the de-skinned whole potatoes into a Tupperware and refrigerate overnight
(or for several hours)

-Remove from fridge and grate the potatoes with a cheese grater.

-In an appropriately sized pot, heat the salt, pepper, milk, butter and celery salt over med-high heat until the butter is thoroughly melted and the lights is hot but not boiling.

-Slowly add the grated potatoes to the hot mixture. Allow the potato to thoroughly heat up and stir only gently to prevent the grated potatoes from sticking, being mindful to not break or mash the grated potatoes. They should only cook for long enough to become hot.

-Serve immediately.

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